Chapter Development Request
Establishing an ABWHE Chapter in your area is a partnership. ABWHE National will provide support and mentorship throughout the application process, new chapter installation process, and the first year. We’re looking forward to partnering with you to establish a chapter in your geographic area to further expand ABWHE’s mission, programs and supports. Start the journey by submitting a chapter request today!
Individuals interested in forming a local chapter of ABWHE must submit a letter of intent to the Chair of the Chapter Development Committee.
The Chair of the Chapter Development Committee will forward a membership recruitment/chapter building packet to the requester.
A minimum of ten (10) paid members are required to form a chapter. Chapters must be geographically based and shall adopt a name which reflects the specific locale.
Upon approval, the local chapter must elect officers and a representative to the Board of Directors. The local chapter must continue to be actively engaged in the recruitment of new members.
At the end of each fiscal year, local chapters must submit an Annual Financial Report specifying its activities, programs, projects, and a financial statement.