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Greater Kansas City Chapter

Welcome to the page for the Association of Black Women in Higher Education’s newest Chapter, Greater Kansas City!  We are honored and delighted to take part in upholding the mission of the national organization.  Founded in April 2024 with 17 charter members, the Greater Kansas City Chapter seeks to build personal and professional growth by providing a platform for collaborative opportunities, mentorship, networking opportunities, and student engagement. 


We open our doors to members from higher education, K-12 education, and non-profit educational organizations, to foster relationships with educators and personnel who have a role in encouraging students to consider and pursue higher education.  We look forward to meeting and working with you in our efforts to empower Black Women in higher education at the local and national level!


In Sisterhood and Gratitude,

Dr. Kimberly D. Johnson

President, ABWHE-GKC

Chapter Leadership

Committee Chairs

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